welcome to my website!
here's a map.warning: there are autoplay elements (refresh each page to hear a new song!), none of this will ever be fitted for mobile, and i am an adult, so the topics in which i discuss may verily be nsfw!

02.03.25, 00:45
i've been slacking like crazy on listening to albums, even though i've felt more alive these past weeks than i have in a while. i still haven't cleaned my room like i promised myself i would, but i think it's because i have been spending more time out in the new area, as it were— full on library and stereo system has been added! i told myself i would read through the classics collection, but my concentration has been shot to shit (is that a phrase?).my therapist thinks we can help ease back into it, and i've also decided to switch to a session every other week. that's great, right?! it's like i'm weaning her off... that's sad. also, i find it really funny how much i have embraced the fact that i enjoy a fair amount of k-pop since being single. for some reason, i was intensely embarrassed of it... no longer! i was able to buy two key albums and technically two shinee ones, but they are for my mom, i guess. whatevs, the photocards are mine, LOL!

i've fallen in love with key, tbh. my mom is definitely convinced he's full-on gay, but idk... in my heart of hearts, i want him to be bi, as if i had a chance! i say that, but i know i could pull an idol if i wanted to (the fact that i have stories regarding this is hilarious). maybe not his level, but def some. anyways, i wouldn't wanna get with one anyways, they're either full-on self absorbed or self loathing. no in between!
all this k-pop nonsense aside... i'm gonna be seeing kamijo, VIP BABY! no, i don't have tickets yet obviously, but i know i can't pass this opportunity up. a photo with him... oh, someone lift me to my feet, good heavens! i hope i don't freeze up, because i have lots to say to him (in a tiny amount of time). something like vous êtes mon 英雄です... please sign my tits? HA! he would never.
ugh, what a bunch of word vomit!
01.29.25, 00:28
01.17.25, 23:31

旅に病んで- 松尾芭蕉, 元禄7年
01.10.25, 22:28
these fires are so scary, and i am deeply scared. yes, i am safe, but i can't even listen to music! how unfortunate. i wish all of my favorite places weren't now shells, burnt out and begging to be smothered. i wonder if it will bounce back, any of it. to take our minds off of it, here is a quote that has been echoing in my mind for some reason:"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for."i leave you now with an update of sorts: i have, as i mentioned, been scanning things, day and night! lots of osare flyers and mags specifically. i will be uploading them somewhere on here ... who knows, maybe i'll make an osare sub-hub, LOL! i am also cross-posting them to tumblr, i think. just like to keep things up somewhere, someone might need them.
01.08.25, 01:16
what an interesting world it is. i hope my home doesn't blow away! scanning things take my mind off it all.12.30.24, 00:45
it's my birthday, yahoo! i feel almost nothing, except for the excitement i feel to dine on cake & sushi later.
my wish is to find someone who loves me for me, and will show that truth no matter what. i am tired of fighting for attention when i know i deserve better. i do, right?
12.13.24, 00:27
お誕生日おめでとう、PINK SPIDERさん。

12.02.24, 01:36
just busted my ass for TWO (2) HOURS STRAIGHT adding ONE release on discogs. no one will thank me ... but i don't need it. i'm a superhero in disguise with my punctuation fixes on wikipedia and scans on discogs. as soon as i pressed send, i started to weep because i remembered acchan passed away over a year ago. so unreal. i might need sleep.
11.25.24, 00:53
i feel like i have to prove a point to be better than my ex partners, to show the world that i can overcome such 'atrocities' committed against me. it seems pathetic to put it like that, but my god, i think i do everything out of spite. i know i do not desire a romantic relationship at the moment either, so it's not like i am rushing myself for that sake. however, i do miss sex ... hm, much to think about. anywho, great song for my nuclear interests!11.18.24, 21:28
i have such a fucking helpless crush on suzuka ... literal dream girl right there. and i just know she likes women. i had my slim chance when i first got into them ... but fumbled so hard. if only i memorized my kanji ☜ the lesson of the story

11.09.24, 14:57
here are the albums i've listened to on my trip, i would feel wrong if i didn't let the 'people' know what they've missed:10/31 howdy moon - howdy moon
11/1 an album of original music - wilcox, sullivan & wilcox
11/2 hosono house - haruomi hosono
11/3 saravah! - yukihiro takahashi
11/4 jesse davis! - jesse ed davis
11/5 skylark - skylark
11/6 performance one - doug firebaugh
11/7 if i could be the rain - rosalie sorrels
11/8 easy to love her - antonia lamb
11.06.24, 11:41
ahhh, long time no see! it has been a week since i have been away from home, and i type this from the comfort of 12000m in the air. i spent time with people i had met online (unsurprising), and have come away from it rather peeved! i thought i knew some of these people, but i guess i did not. i now owe 600 usd for things that were told to me that were covered ... rather fun thing to leave until the final day, right?i am glad i did this trip, it was very nice, but i think anyone would be bothered by this. luckily, i am not one to fork over money easily, so i will make a stink about it, even if they are my friend. i got to meet lovely people and get drunk with them, so it's successful in this rite. i had a breakdown on the first day, due to my anxiety around having to be the most responsible person in the room, but it doesn't seem so farfetched now! i had reason to sorrow, no one knew what the fuck they were doing (despite ample time to plan).
for certain, i will not go on a trip with these people for a very long time. the next time they will see me is next year in april, and that is when they shall come to my home! muahahaha.
10.21.24, 00:31
i just saw 新しい学校のリーダーズ (ATARASHII GAKKO!) for the first time ... WOW! that is the only word to describe them. what an amazing group, i have listened to them for so long, and grown up with them ... all of them are powerhouses in their own rites, even if my heart belongs with suzuka. the dog who was in the 'pineapple kryptonite' pv was there for some reason, rin posted a photo of him moments before he left backstage ... what a celeb.my dad got me into them, which is so random. usually, i am trying to thrust my japanese musical interests onto him, to varying luck. one day, i'll get him into visual kei (lie).
all in all, it was such a beautiful and hype-filled show. they played all of my favorites, even ending with 'quesera sera,' something i did not expect! i miss their older stuff being performed, but i would be lying if i said i was upset at their newer. AG! FOREVER!
10.20.24, 00:42
top yourself (bluegrass version) by the raconteurs is an amazing song. it makes me do this:
update, 01:31: post hijacked, i remembered this song:
10.17.24, 00:05
can you tell i always update my site the most at night? LOL! i love it though, my process is this...wait until everyone goes to bed & the kitties are nourished, go out into the backyard underneath the stars (not tonight, the cloud cover is abyssmal) armed only with a brown cardigan and a lighter... and my laptop, of course! sometimes i indulge in a little herbal entertainment, if you will, and i 'code' away!
this is an event that lasts for hours sometimes! i enjoy it so much, it's like a respite in the so-called chaos of my life (really, it's not chaotic, i just suffer from permanent STRESS!). as you know, i've added so much! i began to host the images i source from discogs myself, seeing as that it so often just bugs out (duh).
music is, obviously, my favorite passion. you could call music at-large a 'special interest' of mine! the album a day project is a key example of this. i'm not trained classically in any manner, nor am i even adept at making music (though i've tried). i just adore this avenue of artistry. there isn't a single genre i hate, or even dislike.
no, really! test me, i implore you.
please send me music recommendations via my guestbook or email, if you're so inclined! i don't have a list of albums i choose from, i just go with the flow and whatever youtube or spotify or record stores toss at me :-)
10.12.24, 01:35
i just did a dive into my discogs collection, parsing out what belongs to me and what belongs to my family— it was unsurprisingly hard! i felt reinvigorated... that passion i had when first discovering the site. if i had the funds, i would buy all of my dream gets, even if my room has no space for anymore vinyl records. maybe i'll stick to cassettes, they stack better and are, obviously, smaller.going into old record stores is something that will never cease to amaze me— all old stores for that matter. there is a science to the smell of vintage, but i have yet to indulge. all i know? it's intoxicating to all hell. i nearly shed tears when i saw a fabled copy of A Story 1998 hide Last Works, obviously the same hide that is the namesake of this entire website. how emblematic that i stumble upon so much related to 松本秀人 when just delving into this project?
maybe it means something :-)