digicam photos
important: these photos suck, this camera sucks, i love it, okay?
hyde concert
warning: these photos+vids are so bad, it's great (lie)
getty center
On the Construction of the World, Hildegarde of Bingen (1210-40 CE)
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☜ Christ and Mary Magdalene, Auguste Rodin (1908)
Herm of a Vestal Virgin, Antonio Canova (1821-1822) ☞
☜ Almagest, Cladius Ptolemy (1309-16 CE)
Lunar Latitude Calculator with a Dragon Volvelle, Michael Ostendorfer (1540 CE) ☞
Spitzer Cross, Master of the Royal Plantagenet Workshop (~1190 CE)
☜ Reliquary Diptych with the Holy Face, (1300s CE)
The Creation of Heaven and Earth, Pellegrino di Mariano Rossini (1460-77 CE) ☞
The Order of the Celestial Spheres, Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543 CE)
God the Geometer, (1226-75 CE)
☜ Monk Measuring the Hours of Night..., (1175-1200 CE)
The Beatific Vision..., James le Palmer (1360-75 CE) ☞